AED Post-Incident Procedures
Ensure your team has the right post-incident procedures also well rehearsed before an actual event. Review recommendations below.
Transfer of Patient Care to EMS
EMS Arrival
Upon arrival of EMS, transfer patient care to the EMS team. If requested by EMS, assist in patient care; otherwise, initiate post-incident procedures.
Oral Report
Give the EMS agency a complete oral report of the event and any significant findings. Unless requested to remain at the scene to assist, complete the Early Defibrillation Incident Report.
Early Defibrillation Incident Report
The Early Defibrillation Incident Report may be copied and given to the EMS agency as part of the patient care document, either while EMS is on-scene or after the ambulance has left with the patient. If the report is to be given later, it is the responsibility of the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator to oversee this data transfer and delegate responsibility if necessary.
Defibrillator Data Retrieval
An ERT or Early Defibrillation Response Team member who responded to the incident is responsible for retrieval of the defibrillator data.
Post-Incident Procedures
Early Defibrillation Incident Report
The team member who provided care to the patient must document all accounts of the medical event and any patient care given on the Early Defibrillation Incident Report form. The team member will then provide the completed Early Defibrillation Incident Report to the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator for data collection and quality review.
Early Defibrillation Report Confidentiality
The Early Defibrillation Incident Report is a part of the patient care record and is confidential to both the patient and the facility. This report is not to be copied or altered once it is completed. Discussion of all aspects of the event is to be limited to team members, in debriefing or training sessions. To prevent violation of patient confidentiality, ERT or Early Defibrillation Response Team members are to refrain from open discussion about any aspects of the medical event. Patient confidentiality must be maintained in accordance with all state and federal regulations.
Response Protocol Irregularities
Any protocol or equipment irregularities that occurred during the SCA event are to be reported to the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator immediately for appropriate action. The Program Coordinator is to ensure that the device manufacturer is notified of any equipment irregularities.
Defibrillation Debriefing Procedures
A debriefing, headed by the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator, is to be conducted with all team members who responded to the event, as well as any bystanders and co-workers who witnessed the event, the Medical Director if necessary, and professional counselors if deemed appropriate by the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator or the Medical Director.
Post-Event Defibrillator Check Procedures
Before returning the defibrillator to service, perform the following post-event procedures:
- Check the defibrillator visually for damage or missing parts.
- Replace all supplies used during the event.
- Download the data from internal memory to a PC.
- Run a battery insertion test and replace the battery if indicated.
- Return the defibrillator to its designated area for future use.
Incident Critique
A Post-Incident Critique form shall be completed at the conclusion of each drill and each real SCA event to evaluate the response model and debrief the ERT or Early Defibrillation Response Team. The completed form shall be discussed in the debriefing meeting following the drill or event. Further discussion shall be conducted with the Medical Director as necessary. In either event, written copies of the form shall be distributed to all necessary parties within the organization for administrative review.
Data Collection
Early Defibrillation Incident Report and Incident Data
Data collection begins with the Early Defibrillation Incident Report and data from the defibrillator. These two components are to be provided to the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator as soon as possible.
Data Transfer
The incident data is to be provided to the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator according to policy. The data will be reviewed by the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator in order to assess responder performance and for quality assurance.
Data Download Procedure
Data download can be conducted by the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator or delegated to other personnel under the supervision of the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator. Once the data is downloaded, it can be transferred via file format or printed in a hard copy format.
Data Storage
Downloaded data and post-incident critique forms are to be stored in a secure location under the direct supervision of the Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator.