Defibtech Lifeline AED Battery Overview
The Defibtech Lifeline AED Battery has a standby life (installed in the unit) of 5 years (including daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly self-tests), 125 defibrillation shocks, or 8 hours of continuous operating time. Each battery pack comes with a new DAC-410 9-volt lithium battery.
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) only run on batteries so it is imperative that you have a backup battery on hand in case the main AED battery has expired or is weak. The Defibtech Standard DBP-1400 replacement 5-year standard battery pack is for use with the Defibtech Lifeline AED. The Defibtech AED battery pack comes with a 9-volt lithium battery to power self-tests. This unique feature leaves the main battery charged and ready for powering the AED in an emergency. Most AEDs use their main battery power for self-tests which can drain the battery of power much faster. Using the 9-volt lithium battery allows the main battery to remain fully charged and ready in case of an emergency.
It is estimated that 350,000 to 400,000 Americans will suffer a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) this year. If treatment is not started within a critical 3 – 5 minute window, many of these victims may suffer brain damage and most will die. Defibtech and AED brands want to collaborate with you in creating an automated external defibrillator program that will give these SCA victims a higher chance of survival if and when an SCA emergency occurs. Having a replacement Defibtech AED battery will help ensure that your AED program is ready to save lives.
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