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Philips HeartStart FRx AED with FREE Carry Case 861304
Philips AEDs
There are currently two available Philips AEDs on the market, starting first with the Philips HeartStart OnSite AED, which is one of the most versatile and budget-friendly device options on the market. It is easy for non-professional responders to use in an emergency and features an interface that makes set-up a breeze. This device comes with pads that can detect whether a shock is even necessary, taking the decision out of the hands of the lay responder.
The Philips HeartStart FRx AED is intended for use outside of your average office climate. This AED machine is one of the most durable on the market and is easy for non-professionals to use.
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Philips AED Pads (OnSite, HS1)
Philips HeartStart OnSite Battery
Philips HeartStart OnSite Electrode Pads
Replacement Pads for the Philips Onsite AED Device.
Philips M5071A HeartStart OnSite SMART Adult Replacement Cartridge Electrode Pads
Philips HeartStart FRx Batteries
The replacement battery for the Philips HeartStart FRx M5070A.
Philips HeartStart FRx Electrode Pads
Philips HeartStart FR3 Pads and Battery
The Philips FR3 AED is discontinued but batteries, pads and other accessories remain available.
Philips Cases and Accessories
Accessories for Philips brand products.
Our team is standing by and ready to help you select the best AED device that fits your needs.
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