AED Response Plan

AED Response Plan

Initiating Emergency Response

Here’s a snapshot of the flow of a solid emergency response.

Initiation of Emergency Response

Any Employee who recognizes a medical emergency initiates the Emergency Response Plan immediately, by _______________________ [method of emergency response initiation for User Facility] and provides the following information:

  • Reporting employee’s name
  • Type of emergency
  • Location of emergency
  • Brief description of the patient

911 Notification

The communication center contacts 911 and, using established procedures, dispatches the ERT or Early Defibrillation Response Team to the location of the emergency with the appropriate equipment.

Early Defibrillation Team Response

At the scene, the ERT or AED team verifies scene safety before assessing the patient, then renders appropriate care based upon the patient’s condition and AED response protocols.

EMS Contact and Lead-In

When possible, the ERT or Early Defibrillation Response Team contacts EMS and provides lead-in instructions (directions for reaching the patient on site) to the responding EMS unit, while continuing to provide appropriate patient care until a higher medical authority arrives or the patient refuses care.

Transfer of Patient Care

Once EMS arrives, the ERT or Early Defibrillation Response Team transfers patient care to the EMS agency for appropriate advanced medical treatment and provides a report including:

  • The initial time of the event
  • Any care given prior to the team’s arrival
  • Patient’s condition upon the team arrival
  • All treatment rendered to the patient by the team
  • Any available medical information about the patient
  • Post-use equipment check
  • Replacement of necessary supplies used
  • Return of the AED to its designated location

Post Event Procedures

After transferring patient care to the EMS responders, the ERT or Early Defibrillation Response Team conducts the following post-event procedures in accordance with the protocol as provided in the Early Defibrillation Response Protocol and Flow Chart.

Debriefing Procedures

As soon as possible, a debriefing is conducted to evaluate the ERT or Early Defibrillation Response Team’s response and the potential need for emotional support of the responders involved. This debriefing can be conducted on an informal basis with the team or with the assistance of professional counselors. The Early Defibrillation Program Coordinator conducts an evaluation of all aspects of the emergency response and the strengths and deficiencies of the response plan as revealed by the incident. Modifications made to the plan must be approved by the Medical Director and discussed with the ERT or Early Defibrillation Response Team prior to any changes to the response plan.

Implementation Guide

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You're all done! See your recommended AED's below.

The best AED for your needs

Philips HeartStart OnSite AED M5066A


Philips HeartStart FRx AED with FREE Carry Case 861304


Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 AED


Defibtech View AED






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Which is the best AED for my needs?
Let us help you identify the best options using our tool, Zappy!
AEDs that are budget friendly without compromising quality and performance.
Portability (Size/Wt.)
AEDs that are compact and lightweight. Great for travel and small spaces.
Durability (Dust/Water Resistance)
AEDs with high resistance to dust and water damage. Perfect for outdoors, areas near water, vehicles, and industrial settings.
CPR Feedback
AEDs with audible and/or visual feedback on the quality of compressions given during CPR. Great for untrained responders or those with limited training.
Fully Automatic Option
No shock button. The AED will automatically deliver a shock if needed. Removes the responsibility from the user. Great for untrained responders.
Pediatric Method
A pediatric key or button eliminates the need to purchase pediatric pads.
Maintenance Cost
Cost of replacement supplies for the life of the AED.
Remote Monitor Option
This feature reports the status of the AED to a web portal. Great for large or multi-location deployments. Cuts down on administrative workload. Adds accountability and ensures readiness.
Dual Language
AEDs that can toggle between two languages. Great for deployments that have diversity. English/Spanish is the preset option. Must request for alternative languages.
Required Inspection Interval
Each state requires AED maintenance per manufacturer guidelines. Some AEDs save time by requiring inspections less frequently. Great for large or multi-location deployments.