Powerful 9-Volt Lithium Battery For Sale
9-volt battery to power the Defibtech Lifeline self-tests.
Ultralife introduced the world’s first long-lasting lithium 9-volt battery over 20 years ago, with over 100 million sold. This consumer-replaceable battery lasts up to five times longer than ordinary alkaline 9V batteries and ten times longer than carbon-zinc batteries. It has the highest energy density, flattest discharge voltage curve, longest shelf life, widest operating temperature range, and lightest weight of any comparable 9-volt battery. Its 10-year service and shelf life make it the choice for major smoke alarm manufacturers for their premium lines of 10-year ionization-type smoke alarms. As a consumer-replaceable battery, it allows for instant upgrades in any application requiring a 9-volt battery.
- Alkaline 9V replacement
- Rugged handheld devices
- Telematics
- Test and Instrumentation
- Smoke alarms / carbon-monoxide detectors
- Beacons and emergency location transmitters
- Security systems/sensors
- Metering systems
- Sonobuoy’s
- Music/audio devices
- Handheld security scanners
- Medical Instruments
- Wearable medical devices
- Surgical lighting
- Patient monitors
- Data recorders
- Remote monitoring systems