What questions should you ask before purchasing an AED for your workplace?

What questions should you ask before purchasing an AED for your workplace?

aed in the workplace

Having an AED program implemented in your work place could save lives. In fact, about 10,000 of the 350,000 of sudden cardiac arrest events occur at work. The questions you need to be asking in order to keep your facility rescue ready are:

  1. How many AEDs should we have for our locations?

 You can determine how many AEDs your facility needs by getting a site assessment. 

  1. Where should AEDs be placed in our buildings?

Getting a site assessment will also determine where the AEDs need to be placed.

  1. How will people quickly find an AED during a medical emergency?

By purchasing the proper signage with your AEDs, any responder will be able to clearly see where the facilities AEDs are located.

  1. Who on our staff needs to be trained and who will manage our AEDs?

You can appoint those individuals that need to be trained to operate/manage the AEDs within your facility depending on your current state laws.

  1. Are we properly inspecting and maintaining our AEDs?

If you would rather manually keep record of your monthly AED inspections, we offer inspection tags. If you would rather have a program that assists you with the record keeping of your AED, we offer a program called Accutrack.



If you still have questions about AEDs in the workplace, you can always leave us a comment, give us a call at 800-580-1375, or email us at sales@aedbrands.com


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