Keep Your Kids Safe on the 4th of July With These 5 Safety Must Do’s

Keep Your Kids Safe on the 4th of July With These 5 Safety Must Do’s

Statue Of Liberty Infront Of American Flag With Fireworks

The 4th of July is a time of fun for family and friends. But we all know that fun can turn into tragedy if we don’t keep our kids safe. Here are some basic safety tips that can help you enjoy a safe day.

  1. Sparklers – Kids love sparklers! But lots of kids are injured every year because they get burned. If you’re going to let your kids hold sparklers, supervise them at all times and keep a bucket of water on hand to extinguish the sparkler. Also, it’s best to go over some rules and stick to them:
  • Hold the sparkler at arm’s length and do not run with it
  • Wear long sleeves
  • Don’t touch the sparkler hot end
  • Don’t put the sparkler near anyone’s face, including their own
  • Put the sparkler in the bucket of water immediately when instructed
  1. FireworksFireworks should be set off by adults only, in an open field, away from homes, trees and people. Since fire can occur in an instant, a hose and fire extinguisher should be kept on hand.
  1. Grill Safetydo not leave your grill unattended. Keep all children away from the grill – especially watch those toddlers who want to grab and Keep your grill at least 10’ away from your house and other combustible materials. Don’t grill in the garage or under any overhang that could ignite. Clean and inspect your grill prior to use for leaky hoses.
  1. First Aid KitMake sure your home first aid kit is fully stocked. If you are traveling, make sure you have a travel first aid kit with you. It’s important to have the proper first aid basics on hand at all times, and especially during the 4th of July when accidents are more frequent.
  1. Water Safety RulesThe 4th of July can be a fun time for swimming and boating. Whether it’s your backyard pool, public pool, private pool, or lake, make sure safe water practices are followed. Young children should be supervised at all times and life jackets worn when required. The “Buddy System” should be used when older children are swimming or attending festivities without parents.


Stay safe and have a Happy 4th of July!


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