How to make your New Years resolution happen!

How to make your New Years resolution happen!


Are you tired of being disappointed because you couldn’t achieve your New Years resolution? Well we have some tips to help you finally make them happen!

  1. Be reasonable – Whether it’s losing weight, spending less, sharing more memories with family, or getting organized you have to be honest with yourself. Instead of losing 30 lbs, start with 10 lbs. Instead of getting the entire house organized, start with your closet. By setting attainable goals we can reach them and be inspired to keep going.
  2. Let people know – When you try to reach goals by yourself it becomes more difficult because you have no motivators and no one to hold you accountable. If you are comfortable with sharing your resolution, put it on social media and ask your friends to be your accountability crew. If you aren’t comfortable with sharing your resolution, tell a close friend or family member and ask for their help in reaching your goal.
  3. Manage your time – Some people believe that their resolutions can be tackled within the first month of the year, and are sadly mistaken. Some struggle to find time to commit to achieving their resolution and forget about the goal completely. Make sure that your resolution isn’t too big and make it a priority so that you can devote time every day to reach it!
  4. Don’t give up – Giving up is the sole reason why resolutions don’t happen. Know that you may lose excitement to conquer your goal, and that’s ok! In order to stop this from happening, set up benchmarks, treat yourself when you reach them, and start working towards the next benchmark.

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

I hope I can! think I can! I believe I can! I know I can! I did it!

Let us know what your New Years resolution is in the comments!


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