Approximately 7,037 children, in the United States, died from of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in 2017 (American Heart Association, 2018). If your school, church, or rec sports are not yet equipped with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) due to financial reasons, here are some ideas to get you on your way to purchasing an AED!
- Search your community for various organizations, foundations, and individuals who may be able to help –
Foundations, such as Fire House Subs Public Safety Foundation, make it their mission to impact the lifesaving capabilities to communities. Their grants are not only for fire departments, but they also extend out to law enforcement, EMS, public safety organizations, non-profits, and schools! Find more information by visiting their website.
2. Set up a Go Fund Me account –
You’ll begin by starting your campaign on the Go Fund Me website. After you share your campaign with family and friends you’ll be able to start managing donations. By collaborating with other team members you be more successful and rally support much easier.
- Have a Bake Sale –
This idea is as easy as pie. Literally! Round up some volunteers to help bake all sorts of goodies like cakes, cookies, pies, muffins, etc. Once you set a date, place, and time you will need to spread the word about the bake sale and the cause you are fundraising for.
- Host a walkathon –
After you assemble a team for your fundraising event, set a date, place, and time. Reach out to local businesses in order to secure sponsorships for your walkathon. Be sure that you file the required event paperwork. Create registration and donation forms. Charge an admission fee and sell merchandise for your participants
- Car Wash –
All you need for a successful car wash is a warm day, volunteers, soap, water, sponges, and signs! Be sure that you check your local environmental laws about drainage. Plan ahead by bringing a donation bucket, clothesline for drying towels, and other service items (wax, window cleaner, tire cleaner, etc). Be prepared to feed and provide drinks for your hard workers!
There are many other ways to fundraise for an AED, but we hope that these ideas have given you encouragement to begin your own AED fundraiser! Remember that the only way to stop Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is to be equipped with an AED. We encourage you to do more research on AEDs and SCA before you begin fundraising so that you can spread awareness while raising money. If you still have questions about SCA leave us a comment, give us a call at 800-580-1375, or email us at
Newman, Mary. “AHA Releases Latest Statistics on Sudden Cardiac Arrest.” The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation – You Can Save a Life Anywhere, 1 Feb. 2018,