10 Shocking Facts About Sudden Cardiac Arrest

10 Shocking Facts About Sudden Cardiac Arrest


Sudden Cardiac Arrest is why we do what we do here at AED Brands! SCA strikes suddenly and usually without warning. It occurs when the heart suddenly starts to “quiver” or beat rapidly and in an irregular, abnormal rhythm. Sudden cardiac arrest may not be preventable (yet) but it is treatable. Having an AED in your home or workplace is essential in helping you protect your health and safety and that of your family, friends, coworkers, and patrons of your business. Arming yourself with knowledge is also essential in raising awareness about SCA. We’re doing that by sharing 10 facts that you may not know about SCA!

  1. SCA is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Approximately 350,000 people of all ages experience SCA.
  2. Each year, 350,200 people in the U.S. experience EMS-assessed out-of-hospital non-traumatic SCA, and nine out of 10 victims die.
  3. The age-adjusted incidence of out-of hospital cardiac arrest per 10,000 adults is 10.1 among blacks, 6.5 among Hispanics, and 5.8 among whites.
  4. The American Heart Association (AHA) reported there are 9,500 cases of EMS-assessed OHCA annually in youth.
  5. Sudden cardiac arrest often occurs in active people who seem to be healthy and have no known medical conditions.
  6. The AHA reports that most sudden deaths in athletes may be attributed to cardiovascular disease (56%).
  7. When bystanders give CPR immediately and use an automated external defibrillators (AEDs) before EMS arrives, survival rates increase from an average of 10 percent to 50 percent.
  8. Death occurs within minutes if the person does not receive immediate treatment. To survive, the SCA victim needs immediate CPR and treatment with a defibrillator.
  9. Unfortunately, only one-third (32%) of SCA victims receive bystander CPR and only 2% are treated with AEDs by bystanders.
  10. The incidence of sudden cardiac death is nearly 10 times higher than the incidence of death from breast cancer.

Use this knowledge to take action and get certified in CPR. Encourage your businesses, churches, fitness clubs, schools and day cares to start an AED program so that they are always equipped and rescue ready!


If you’re convinced that you are in need of an AED, give us a call at 800-580-1375. If you still have questions, you can always leave us a comment or email us at customerservice@aedbrands.com


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